Are Christianity and society in conflict?
Are Christianity and society in conflict? by Christopher Watkin
Are Christianity and society in conflict? by Christopher Watkin
Healing, enhancement and the human future by Denis Alexander
A big number of Western Christians have laudably invested their time, money, and energy to confront the massive global challenge of religious persecution.
Sport is a distillation of the God-given impulse to play. It is experienced within a microcosm of self-imposed rules, which points beyond itself to a grander reality.
There is a widespread perception that academic freedom is under threat in the UK. Is this true, and if so, does it matter?
'Whoever walks in integrity walks securely.' (Proverbs 10:9) We all have our own integrity. The question is, what is the purpose of your integrity?
Britain’s social welfare system is facing a crisis in sustainability. It is time to reimagine our social welfare, drawing on the lessons from the past.
This paper tracks the short-term history of how questions of identity, citizenship and ‘Britishness’ were engaged with.
The Global Financial Crisis ought to have been a wake-up call. Instead, it has largely been an opportunity missed.
The outcome of the UK’s referendum on EU membership has highlighted deep divisions within the populace. How can we find a strategy for reconciliation?